November is a unique and special time. The final month in a highly-anticipated season when nature treats us to a spectacular feast for the eyes: the trees shed their glorious leaves in every colour from purple through to gold, corn and pumpkins festoon the countryside, and bright juicy berries are rich for the picking!
That we get to experience such a bounty of goodness with so many of our senses, is cause for many a joyous community and family celebration via festivities such as Thanksgiving. And this harvest is a practical metaphor that we can apply to our lives and all of the things that we would like to come to fruition. Especially when we consider that November is a month of reaping what we sow and planting new seeds for the future. The most perfect illustration of karma in action.
Whether we are gathered around a table overflowing with fresh produce, or sitting before a church altar decorated with fruit and vegetables, both of these happy scenes started with a simple action: the decision to plant a good seed, the decision to plant the right seed.
Imagine how very different things would be if a farmer sowed the wrong seeds, or didn’t prepare the soil, or tried to grow a peach kernel in frosty ground!
And yet, at that time of setting things in motion with the right seeds and the right conditions, the farmer had to trust in the outcome, digging deep so that the energy world could weave its magic over the winter months and beyond.
When we think of ourselves as farmers, we motivate ourselves to plant our own good seeds, patiently waiting for their manifestation. These don’t need to become actual crops (although growing our own veggies is a wonderful thing!), but they can take the form of our thoughts, words and actions. When we commit to nurture this powerful trio, we lay the foundations for all manner of lovely things to come into our lives. Even if we have made mistakes in the past, we can harness the Law of Karma to help us neutralise our future harvests, helping more and more people in the process, as we help ourselves.
To learn more about the inner teachings of Pranic Healing, and the many levels of truth surrounding karma, why not sign up to one of our classes? Level one Pranic Healing is being taught all over the UK and Ireland. To find the closest course to you, please check out our website: