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Celebrating Oneness

The sensory reality of our lives can be very persuasive!

Not one of us has the same thumbprint and our DNA is a complex double-stranded helix of unique energy. Sure, some of us may have a doppelgänger living in another part of the world, but all too often we are raised, educated and persuaded to define ourselves by our differences.

While it’s great to stand out from the pack and follow our own paths in life as we fulfill our destinies, it’s important to remember that we have far more in common with our fellow human beings than we are led to believe. We are all spiritual beings, we are simply evolving at different paces. Beneath the external packaging of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, politics and religion, there is a divine spark within each of us. Our essence is pure love.

‘By loving a person intensely and recognizing divinity, you achieve a certain degree of oneness.’

Master Choa Kok Sui, the modern founder of Pranic Healing

Ironically, oneness can be experienced in so many different ways! We treat ourselves to glimmers of oneness through the day when we hold open the door for the person behind us, donate to a charity whose recipients we don’t personally know, and when we gaze at the majesty of a star-filled sky.

But another powerful route to oneness is via a special meditation called Twin Hearts, which blesses the earth and generates a huge amount of good karma. The Twin Hearts Meditation can be carried out individually or as a group, and studies have shown that when we come together to direct our blessings to a specific area of the world – for example, a neighbourhood in conflict – with regular practice, peace and harmony can prevail, turning darkness to light. Now, more than ever, it’s such an important time to work as one to create the world we want to live in; the world we want our children to live in. Think of the energy during an Olympic final or a pop concert: when so many souls come together, the feeling is wonderful. When we apply this group power to a Twin Hearts Meditation session, it’s like turning on a giant hose pipe!

Master Choa Kok Sui developed a number of courses, all of which lead to a deeper awareness of our oneness with all. And one course in particular, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul, is a gateway to understanding and strengthening that connection, enabling us to remember daily that we are not the physical body, the thoughts or the emotions. All of which helps us to live a more purposeful life.

If you would like to join in with a group Twin Hearts meditation session, just click this link –

The sessions run most days of the week and fit conveniently around working hours.

And if you would like to know more about the upcoming Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul course, this link will tell you where and when that is happening –