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3 Ways To Prepare Your Mind & Body For The New Beginnings of Spring

Everywhere we look, there are wonderful signs of Spring. It’s a welcome sight after the winter months and helps us focus on hope after the past challenging year. 

Take a moment to pause and think about how you feel right now, at this moment. Do you find yourself feeling tired a lot of the time? You might even be feeling a bit lacklustre or finding it hard to get motivated? After the dark winter months, it’s time to prepare your body and mind for the new beginnings of Spring and embrace the light, warmth, optimism and bursts of nature this time of year brings.

Here are our 3 ways to do just that:

1) Boost your immune system

As we come out of winter, give your body the physical boost it needs to recover and rejuvenate, ready for Spring. 

Regular exercise and healthy eating are great ways to support a healthy immune system. Perhaps you have developed some habits over lockdown you wish to turn around? Now is the time. 

As Pranic Healers, we treat the physical body to help boost the immune system by removing old negative energy and replacing it with fresh, new energy or prana.  By cleansing your energy, your body can renew, regenerate and reach optimum health. Once you have a robust immune system, your body can more easily fight disease. 

You learn how to do this from the first level of Pranic Healing training to benefit yourself and your family and friends.

2) Keep a clear mind

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and find it affects your physical body too? Perhaps you have trouble sleeping or trouble with your digestion? Keeping a clear, healthy mind can help you take full advantage of new beginnings, appreciate every life moment fully and see the potential in your life events. 

Meditation is a great way to help clear your mind of unwanted negative thoughts and energy. It can help give you a clearer perspective, flush out negative thoughts, promote inner peace and help you make better decisions.

3) Remove the fear that’s holding you back

If you constantly find yourself in a negative spiral of thinking, it’s most often caused by fear of some kind. Fear can hold us back and stop us from welcoming the new beginnings the universe means us to experience. In Pranic Healing, we learn that removing fear can set us free, putting us on a path to inner peace, good health and prosperity. Stress and worry might be prevalent in your life right now for many reasons, but learning to deal effectively with these emotions can help you develop an outlook of optimism and hope. 

As we look to the future and welcome Spring, prepare your body and mind to take full advantage of the new beginnings it will bring. Help your body to embrace warmer weather, enjoy good health and fitness. Help your mind to see the joy in every moment and to look ahead with positivity and optimism. 

Would you like to find out more about how Pranic Healing can help you prepare your mind and body for new beginnings? 

We run courses and mediation groups around the country regularly (subject to Covid Rules and Regulations). Find one near you today!


Pranic Healing Level 1 –

Meditation schedule (by donation) –