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Hope & Happiness through Prana


Do you have physical ailments or relationship issues which cause you to stress?
Would you like to know how they can be relieved or harmonised? 

As we move into the Spring season, the sunshine brings hope and happiness. The energy of the sun, solar prana, gives us a sense of strength and vitality and has mood-lifting benefits. Whilst sunshine is vital in supporting our healthy Vitamin D levels, it can’t fix all our ailments and issues. It is our very own thoughts and emotions that impact the quality of our health and relationships.

Pranic Healing teachings help improve all personal and professional relationships. You get to experience the globally practised Meditation on Twin Hearts which is a simple, yet powerful technique scientifically has proven to promote feelings of Happiness, Joy and Loving Kindness in oneself and in others. Common testimonials following regular Meditation show that people experience inner peace, calmness and gain greater clarity which helps decision making in demanding situations.

Would you like to experience these positive attributes? Why not try Pranic Healing for yourself? 

By using simple, step by step techniques taught in Pranic Healing, relief from ailments, inner peace and relationship harmony can be rapidly achieved. When you understand how energy or ‘Prana’ affects every area of your life, you can then start to enhance it – such is the beauty of using Prana.

Thousands of people around the world are experiencing hope and happiness since applying the techniques taught to them in Pranic Healing classes. People are understanding that they need to be responsible for how they feel and are choosing to invest in their health and happiness. You too can be part of this group of like-minded people who choose to live a quality and fulfilled life. 

Be the best version of yourself, bring excitement into your life and observe your relationships lovingly grow. Find hope and discover true happiness through the beauty of Prana. 

Check out the schedule link below for upcoming events including Seminars for Managing Personal & Professional Relationships: